
L'oppressione culturale nella Libia di Gheddafi

Dopo il  famoso discorso di Gheddafi nella la città  di Zuara nel 1973, la città che il suo nome fu cambiato diventando la citta` dei cinque punti!  Perche`Quel discorso si era concentrato in cinque punti, uno di loro era la cosiddetta dichiarazione della Rivoluzione Culturale.

 Cosa significa questo?
 la Rivoluzione culturale  di Gheddafi  si era basata sulla formazione di uno stato che corrisponde alle sue ideologie politiche e il suo ambizioso futuro politico, Gheddafi ha annunciato una guerra nascosta contro gli intellettuali, scrittori, giornalisti perfino i cantanti! Tutte l`attivita` culturale sono state emarginate ed ben controllate, il teatro ad esempio è diventato un posto favorito per i suoi agenti segreti,  le librerie ed i cinema sono scomparsi, anche gli stadi di calcio sono stati considerati una minaccia per Gheddafi!
Molti scrittori hanno dovuto lasciare il paese come: Sadiq annaihum ,Ibrahim Alkuni ,Said almahruq. Il primo è  di Bengasi, ma trascorse la sua vita in Finlandia fino alla sua morte nel 1994. Mentre il secondo è un tuareg  nato nel sud della Libia, ma vive ancora in Svizzera! Mentre l'ultimo è Berbero di  Tripoli , ma viveva in condizioni terribili, con frequenti visite dai segreti ufficiali  di Gheddafi  fino la sua morte!
Tre anni dopo, nel 1976,  Gheddafi ha presentato il Libro verde che era una sorta di malattia mentale, ma è stato un fulcro di vita in Libia per molti decenni, attraverso il quale, Gheddafi controllo` e modefico` anche  la produzione musicale in Libia, seguendo uno dei versi  di quel Libro che dice: alla gente  piacciono solo le arti ed il patrimonio proprio!
quindi secondo il libro di  Gheddafi , Giuseppe Verdi e Dante sarebbe apprezzato solo dagli italiani, non al resto dell'umanità, noi libici non dobbiamo goderci dalle meraviglie di Shakespeare o i Beatles come erano solo  una cultura locale britannica! Il risultato di tali sciocchezze era il divieto degli strumenti occidentali come batteria e chitarra ( di origine andalusa) dalla canzone libiche!  
dei Cantanti libici ha dovuto lasciare il paese, Ahmed Fakrun nato a Bengasi  ma per anni era soggiornato in Francia ed in Italia ,la sua chitarra era un'arma letale! Il Tripolino Nasser Almizdawi  ha lasciato il paese per anni e aveva quasi di smettere di cantare a causa del Libro verde che odia  le chitarre! un altro Bengasino, compositore e chitarrista Hamid Alshaery con la sua chitarra era anti-Gheddafi dovutte fuggire per anni in Egitto prima di diventare il compositore numero uno della musica Araba moderna.
 Oggi i tre chitarristi e cantanti sono quelli che hanno rivoluzionato e modernizzato la canzone Araba e hanno lanciato centinaia di cantanti Arabi .
Con la Rivoluzione culturale Gheddafi ed il suo Libro verde, i libici hanno abbandonato l'uso delle lingue straniere e, l'Italiano era considerata la lingua del passato triste, mentre l'inglese e il francese sono le lingue dei colonizzatori ed gli imperialisti! Anche la nostra storia è stata modificata in conformità alla regola dell 'Impero Romano (damnatioum  memoriae)! La storia  Libica vera è stata avviata solo nel 1969,e  così   degli eroi storici come  Settimio Severo e Ahmed Pasha Karamanly erano  considerati secondo Gheddafi ,il risultato dell'invasione di potenze straniere alla terra libica!
 Oggi I libici, dopo la Rivoluzione del 17 Feb, devono combattere con forza per liberarsi dalle teorie culturali del colonello. D'altra parte  il governo libico di oggi dovra` incoraggiare  i libici di visitare siti  archeologici e musei della Libia,  insegnare la gente ad essere orgogliosa degli eroi storici Libici, chiamando anche strade e quartiere  con il nome  questi personaggi della storia libica,  ma deve anche  lanciare delle pubblicazioni per insegnare la storia nascosta della Libia Per ripristinare l'immagine perduta della Libia  fatta da  culture e lingue diverse.


la vie culturelle en libye sous Gheddafi

Après le célèbre discours de Gheddafi à la ville  du Zuara en 1973, la ville que son nom a été changé à la Ville des cinq points!  Car Ce discours la a été concentrée dans cinq points, un de ces points était le soi-disant la déclaration de la Révolution culturelle.
  Mais Qu'est-ce que cela signifie?
 Par Ahmed Fergiani :
 la Révolution culturelle  de Gheddafi, `était basée sur la formation d'un état qui correspond à ses idées politiques et ses ambitions politiques futures, et pour ca que le colonel a annoncé sa guerre cachée contre les intellectuels, les écrivains,  les journalistes et aussi les chanteurs! Tout l'activité  culturelle a été marginalisés et fortement contrôlée, le théâtre est devenu le lieu préféré pour ses agents secrets, les bibliothèques et les salles de cinéma ont disparu, même  les stades de football ont été considérés comme une menace réelle pour Gheddafi!
Beaucoup d'écrivains ont dû quitter le pays comme Sadiq annaihum, Ibrahim Alkuni, Saïd almahruq. Le premier est de Benghazi, mais a passé sa vie en Finlande jusqu'à son décès en 1994.  Le second est un Touareg  ne dans le sud de la Libye mais il vit encore en Suisse! Le dernier est un Berbère de Tripoli, mais vivaient dans des conditions terribles avec  des visites fréquentes des agents secret !
Trois ans plus tard, en 1976, Gheddafi a présenté son Livre vert qui a été une sorte de maladie mentale, mais il a été le pivot de la vie en  Libye pour de longues décennies, à travers son livre vert Gheddafi contrôlé, même la production musicale de la Libye, où l'un des versets du livre vert dit:
 Les peuples  jouissent  juste leurs arts et leur patrimoine!
Selon le sacre  livre  de Gheddafi, Giuseppe Verdi et Dante Alighieri serait appréciée seulement par les Italiens ne pas le reste de l'humanité, nous Libyens ne devons pas  lire les merveilles de Shakespeare ou écouter les Beatles comme ils étaient juste
une culture locale britannique…..etc.
 Le résultat de telles absurdités a été l'interdiction des instruments occidentaux comme la Tambours et la guitare (des origines andalouses)  de la chanson libyens! Célèbres chanteurs libyens ont dû quitter le pays, Ahmed Fakrun qui naît a Benghazi a dû rester année en France et en Italie comme sa guitare était une arme fatale! Nasser Almizdawi de Tripoli a quitté le pays pendant des années et avait presque d'arrêter de chanter à cause du livre vert  que déteste les guitares! Autre Benghazin, compositeur et guitariste Hamid Alshaery  à eu subir  une vie difficile en Egypte comme sa guitare était anti Gheddafi, avant de devenir un compositeur pionnier dans le monde Arabe.
 Aujourd'hui, ces trois guitaristes et chanteurs sont ceux qui ont révolutionné et modernisé la chanson Arabe et ont lancé  des centaines de chanteurs jeunes Arabes.
Avec la révolution culturelle du Gheddafi et son Livre Vert, les Libyens avaient renoncé à l'usage des langues étrangères, l` italien a été considéré comme la langue du triste passé e la langue fasciste, tandis que l'anglais et le français sont les langues des colonisateurs et les impérialistes! Même notre histoire a été modifiée en suivant la règle de l'Empire romain (Damnation de mémoire)!  Ou La véritable histoire libyenne selon Gheddafi  a été commencée seulement en  septembre 1969 ! Donc tel héros historiques libyennes comme Septime Sévère et Ahmed Pacha Karamanly étaient le résultat de l'invasion des puissances étrangères sur le sol libyen!
 Aujoursdhui Les Libyens après la Révolution de  17 Février;  doivent se battre fermement pour se débarrasser des théories culturel de Gheddafi. D'autre part, le gouvernement libyen d'aujourd'hui doit  encourager les Libyens à visiter les sites archéologiques et les musées en Libye, apprendre aux gens à être fiers de leurs héros historiques, mettre les noms de ceux héros dans les rue et les quartiers,  publier  l'histoire cachée de la Libye, pour restaurer l'image perdue de la Libye qui a été  fait des cultures et langues différentes.

Libyan Cultural oppression under Gheddafi

Following Gheddafi`s famous speech at the city Zuara in 1973, the city that its name was changed to the City of the five points!  That speech was concentrated in five points, one of these points was the so called the declaration of the Cultural Revolution. What does that mean?
Gheddafi`s cultural revolution was based on forming a state that fits with his political ideas and his future political ambitions, Gheddafi announced his hidden war against intellectuals, writers, journalists and singers! Any cultural space was emarginated and controlled, the theatre became the favourite place for his secret agents, Libraries and cinema houses were disappeared even the soccer stadiums were considered a real threat for Gheddafi!
Many writers had to leave the country or had to write different topics but politics, Sadiq annaihum, Ibrahim Alkuni, Said  almahruq. The first was from Benghazi but spent his life in Finland until he passed away in 1994. While the second one is a Tuareg from the south of Libya but he still live in Switzerland! The last one is a Berber from Tripoli but lived in terrible conditions with frequent visits of Gheddafi`s secret agents!
Three years later in 1976 he introduced his Green Book which was a sort of mental disease but it was the fulcrum  of ruling Libya for long decades, Through his green book Gheddafi controlled  even the musical production of Libya, where one of that book verses say: the peoples don’t enjoy but  their arts and their heritage!
Where according to Gheddafi`s sacrum book, Giuseppe Verdi and Dante Alighieri would be appreciated just by the Italians not the rest of the humanity; we Libyans don’t have to read the marvels of Shakespeare or to enjoy the Beatles as they were just local British culture! The result of such nonsense was the ban of the Western musical instruments like the Drums and the guitar (of Andalusian origins) in the Libyan song! Famous Libyan singers had to leave the country, Ahmed Fakrun who born in Benghazi had to stay years in France and Italy as his guitar was a fatal weapon! Nasser Almizdawi from Tripoli left the country for years and had almost to stop singing because of the Green book hate to the Guitars!  The other Benghazi born composer and guitarist Hamid Alshaery had to suffer years in Egypt as his guitar was Anti Gheddafi, before becoming a pioneer Arab composer. Today those three Guitarists and singers are those who revolutionised and modernised the Arabic song and launched hundreds of Arab singers.
With Gheddafi’s cultural revolutions and Green Book, Libyans had renounced the use of foreign languages as well; Italian was considered the language of the sad past, while English and French are the languages of colonisers and imperialist! Even our history was modified following the rule of the Roman Empire (memory Damnation)! The real Libyan history was started just in 1969 therefore such historical Libyan heroes like Septimius Severus and Ahmed pasha Karamanly were a result of foreign invading powers to the Libyan soil!
The Libyans post 17th of February revolution; have to fight strongly to get rid of Gheddafi cultural theories.  On the other hand, The Libyan government of today has to encourage Libyans to visit Libya`s archaeological sites and museums, teach the people how to be proud of their historical heroes, name the street after them, issue publications about the hidden Libyan history in order to restore the lost image of Libya made of different cultures and languages.


Libyan Tribal System

After the outbreak of the Libyan revolution of 17th of February, many western writers have brought to the discussion the solidarity of Libya as a united country, showing Libyans as if they live in medieval tribal system and admiring Gheddafi of having controlled those barbarians that might be an easy prey to Al-Qaida! Causing a real threat to the stability of the Mediterranean. But here is an overview of the Libyan social system and it is position after the revolution.
Ahmed Fergiani writes:
 The Libyan tribes since Herodotus.
The father of the history Herodotus had dedicated his fourth book to Libya and the Libyan tribes in the fourth century B.C where the whole North Africa was called Libya in which the following tribes were living:

1-the Adyrmakhidai (’Adurmaciådai) from the Egyptian frontiers till the port of Plynós ( Sidi Barrani or the golf of Sallum) (IV,168).

2. the Giligamai (Giligaåmai), from the port of  Plynos till the island of
Afrodisiade (tiny island of Chèrsa, north-east of Derna today karsa) (IV, 169).

3. the  Asbytai (’Asbuåtai o ’Asbuåstai), lived in Cirene`s hinterland
(IV, 170), maybe the famous Äsbtw mentioned by Ramses III
In the  XII sentury. B. C. But according to Vycichl  the were the  Is´b´t´n, legendary
Inhabitants of  Haggar before the arrival of the  Tuareg .

4. the  Auskhisai!(Ausciåsai), between Barca(Almarj)  and Bengasi (IV, 171).

5.  the Kabales/Bakales (KaåbaleV o BaåkaleV),  near the actual Tocra (IV, 171).

6. the Nasamones!(Nasamw!neV), shepherds  that  were settled between
 The coast and the oasis of Augila (IV, 172; II, 31).

7. the!Psylloi (Yuålloi) who,left “ to fight the southern wind ”, finding the death in the sand dunes where they were defeated by Nasamoni (IV, 173).6

8. the Makai!(Maåkai), in the western part , on the coastal part close the river of
Kînyps, might be the actual Uadi Caam that runs between Homs and Zliten near Leptis Magna (IV,

In 643 AD the Arabs arrived in the eastern part of Libya called Cyrenaica  and settled in today `s Barce Almarj (160km east of Bengazi), the inhabitants of Cyrenaica at that time were mixed of different races, indigenous (Berbers), Greeks and Byzantines  who lived in the Pentapolis, the 5 cities: Cyrene (shahat), Apollonia (Susa), Ptolemais (tolmitha) Teuchira (Tocra) and Bernice (Bengasi).
 the inhabitants were converted to the new Islamic faith and the Arabs once they established their hegemony over the region, they continued their march to North Africa where they founded Kairauan in Tunisia, but  in tenth century A.D, the North Africa became a promised land for the Bedouin tribes of Arabia, those of Banu Salim and  Banu Hilal who were encouraged by  the Caliph to immigrate to North Africa, Most of those tribes  stopped in Cyrenaica where  the  Green  Mountain was a fertile land and had sufficient rain fall  suitable to live .
The region of Cyrenaica was very neglected by the Islamic empires of the Maghreb as well as those of the East; therefore it became sort of wild west for centuries until the arrival of the Ottomans who occupied Cyrenaica in 1575!
In the Ottoman era the region was controlled by a Pasha, or civil governor who was appointed by the Sultan of Constantinople, but that Pasha lived in Tripoli nearly 1000 km to the west and exercised his role through   the Janziri (the soldiers who were collecting taxes from population), , therefore for almost 4 centuries Cyrenaica lived  close to itself, with its own law ! Where everybody had to belong to a numerous family to survive!


Habbon live in Tobruk and also go inside the Egyptian territory and a person of this tribe is called Habboni.
Gotaan live in the area of
​​Tobruk to Marsa Matruh in Egypt so they are now divided between two counties, one of them is called Gotaani.
Imnifa the tribe of Omar Mokthar the father of the Libyan resistance against Italian `occupanction. A person of this tribe is called Imnifi
 Obeidat the largest tribe living in Cyrenaica they live in: Algubba, Martoba, Labrag ... virtually the entire area is located west of Derna. A member of this tribe will bring a surname of Obeidi.

Alshari a Tribe that is large in the interior of Derna, or the real inhabitants of the city till 1800 when the governor of Tripoli Yosif pasha Garamanli, sent thousands of warriors from Tripolitania to fight with him that later became the majority in the city of Derna as Taggiori, and Zlitni.today the inhabitants are considered the most civilized after those of Bengazi across the whole Cyrenaica.
Alhasa the coastal tribes that live mainly in Shahat (Cyrene) and susa(Apollonia)  those who belong to this tribe would be called Alhasi.

Baraasa is the dominant tribes in Albaida city and one of the biggest tribes of Cyrenaica its members are called Baraasi ,in Albaida  others tribes live like  Alfaidi , Mismari.
Idresa this tribe live in the area of
​​Qasr Libya, 60 km west of Albaida and go down to the coast of Ptolemais (Tolmitha) and one member is called Idresi.

Mismari are the inhabitants of the plain of Barce (ALMARJ), are known as farmers.
Auaghir  perhaps the most numerous  tribe with that of Obeidi across Cyrenaica and lives on the plains of Bengazi near Tocra area and the south east of Bengazi, the members of this tribe are often called Agori.
Benghazi People living in Benghazi are mixture of different origins but the majority of Benghazini in reality are of Tripoli, in other words: Misurata, Zlitn, Wirfalla, Khoms, Gharian, Tarhuna, people that were taken by the Turks three centuries ago and remained there to live with the mixed tribes of Cyrenaica, others immigrated to Benghazi in the sixties when the city was considered to be the economic capital of Libya. But Benghazi is a home land of other Tribes,especially in the plains of Benghazi as Awami Barghathi, Saity.

  Maghariba  a big tribe that lives in Agidabia  till Ben Giauad  up to almost 150 km from Sirte one of this tribe is called the Maghrebi
Zwia is the tribe that lives in Agidabia and goes south to the oasis of Kufra, and one that belongs to this tribe is called Zuwey
 as   Agidabia  City   was a cross  road of the caravan route from Sudan  and  Tripoli or  Bengazi then it is the land of other tribes like :Fergiani, zwawi, auriby, Fakhri.

Alhasson tribes that live mainly in Bengiauad area,one of the would be called Alhassony.

Aulad sliman: the tribes of the plain that divides Sirte from Cyrenaica, the red valley and Haraua.

Fergian is the largest tribe in Sirte, lives in west of Sirte, but originally comes from Tarhuna in Tripolitania where they are the majority; some of this tribe bears the surname of Fergiani.
wirfalla  very large and extends from the Sirte area  to Benwalid up to 170 km south of Tripoli, its members bear the name of Wirfally.
Ghedadfa the tribe that his fame is due to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, they live in Sirte and Sebha.
 Other Tribes also live in Sirte like Gimaai, Madani, Himmali.


despite the existence of `Tribes in the western part of the country called Tripolitania but in their rule is very weak and most of the people do reference to the city rather than to their Tribes for the fact that, Tripolitania was always close to the various ruling governors who created cities and administrative centers which have weakened the rule of the Tribe over the years! The other fact is that the inhabitants of Tripoli are mixed between Arabs and Berbers. And other peoples of foreign origins like Maltese and Greeks.
Misurata area, in reality there are so many families and all belong to Misurata city but here they turn to say that there is no tribe, but Misurata is composed of a number of families that make up The Tribe of Misurata.
Zliten is the city where is the shrine of a holy person called Sidi Abdussalam, his descendents are called Shiki but in Zliten other tribes live such as:  Fitori, Torshani.

 Going westward from Zliten city along the coast till Tripoli, one will encounter other places like Alkhoms, Msellata, Taggiora, where their people bear the name of the city in which they were born as Khomsi,,Gumati, Msellati, Taggiuri.

West of Tripoli
In the area west of Tripoli, live the largest tribe of the area Wirshiffana especially in Zanzur and Azizia,  in the south of Tripoli you will find Accara,zaidi,while the city of Zawia, Sabratha, Agilat people carry the surname of the city as Zawi, Sabrati,Allaghi,Agily but  we have to mention that in the  area of Aljamil till the southern part of Tunisia lives  the Tribe of Nuail them . While just north of them the city of Zuara or Tamort is of totally Berber population.
 While in the plains of gifara that separates the coast from Nafusa Mountain lives the Tribe of Sian.
 The Giabl Nafusa Mountains.
 On the mountain the story is a little different from the rest of Libya as it is the home of the Berbers with their  cities of Yfran, Nalut, Giado and Kabaw but they are neighbored with Arab populations like the large tribe of Zintan where its members are called Zintani and the other tribes on the mountain such as Rujban, Riaina, Huamid, and Mishashia
The largest tribes of Tripolitania
In Tripolitania the two largest tribes are the Wirfalla and Tarhuna  who live in the cities of Benwalid and Tarhuna  respectively . Both tribes together account almost a million and a half of inhabitants. And their members are called and Wirfalli and Tarhuni.


 In the south of Libya people of different races they do live there, tribes of Tabou live in the southeast, who have dark skin and go south up to Chad ... while the Libyan southwest is the home land of the Tuareg who are of Berber origin and live in other countries as well like in Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Algeria and Morocco.
 the area of
​​Fezzan  where Sabha is its capital different arab tribes live there like  the tribes of Megharha  who are the majority in southern Libya ,other tribes do live there as well like Aulad Busif  ,Aulad Suliman,Zuaid,Hisnawy tribes and Ghedadfa.


The first spark was in Benghazi then in the whole Cyrenaica, the other part of the  country had to wait just five days to embrace the revolution although the strong media war of Gheddafi immediately  described the event as a separation movement, Tripoli youth were chanting solidarity With Benghazi while the city was preparing  itself  to the attacks of the colonel, Zintan in  Nafusa mountain was the first with Misurata to join the revolt, we Libyans know that the first Martyr of Zintan revolt was a youth from Rujban, a little rival neighboring town of Zintan .Yfran as well  the  biggest Berber in the region was considered not very friend of Zintan ,but the Berbers have fought in the same trenches with the Arabs in a sake of freedom.
Not far after Benghazi announced the foundation of the TNC that the majority of its members are from the eastern part of Libya (Cyrenaicans) those members were received recently in Tripoli with the red carpet!
When the general Abdullfatah Younis was brutally eliminated normally if the tribal law was implemented, his tribe (the biggest in Cyrenaica) would seek the revenge of the murders, does not matter they belong to whom! But just the civil law was applied and his tribe has fully trusted the justice of the TNC.
 But Libya`s still problem is the pro Gheddafi militias! Who refuse to give up the fight as they think of future judgment like Baniwalid and Sirte, the national unity never been a Libyan problem in the course of our history, the so called tribes never fought even during the poverty and ignorance, as our land has been a host to different cultures and ethnic groups since the three millenniums,  The countries of those writers, who give us unity lessons, were not yet discovered by the humans!



L'identità Libica perduta tra l`Arabia e la Numidia

Le conseguenze della rivoluzione libica hanno portato alla luce  una faccenda nascosta, ma importante ,quella della cosiddetta bandiera berbera ed il conflitto ideologico  sulle future  intenzioni  Berbere.
La Libia come  paese del Nord Africa situata tra i paesi del Maghreb e l'Egitto ha sofferto l'ideologia  Medio Orientale del pan Arabismo,  lanciata da Nasser ed  altri negli anni 50  e imposta da Gheddafi durante i suoi anni al potere, la quale considerava la cultura araba  come il simbolo del passato d`oro e   la chiave dell'identità per un futuro luminoso.
ma quale` l`identità della Libia quindi?

Fergiani Ahmed scrive:

 Gli attivisti  Libici Arabi e Berberi  hanno perso il cammino sulla retta via per definire  l` identità libica, dimenticandosi che entrambe le parti (Arabi, Berberi), lottano per una cultura che non appartiene alla terra libica.  Libia  non è ne`  un solo paese arabo ne`  Berbero puro ,  Libia è semplicemente   Libia. Il nome gli fu dato dai Greci i quali chiamarono tutto il Nord Africa  Libia, tranne l'Egitto. Erodoto  dedico`  il suo quarto libro alla Libia ed ai suoi abitanti, i libici,  i quali  hanno lasciato il loro segno su tutte  le civiltà del Mediterraneo.
Il libico Sheshnoq fu il primo faraone  non egiziano   quando fondò la dinastia 22 nel 950 a.c , Eratostene di Cirene (Shahhat) fu il primo a misurare la circonferenza della terra, Settimio Severo fu il primo Imperatore  Africano di Roma  per due decenni e ognuno di loro avrebbe ammesso che  sia semplicemente libico!
I libici nel corso della storia hanno adottato la loro vita religiosa, come pagani inizialemente, poi Ebrei, Cristiani (San Marco di Cirene) e piu tardi Musulmani.
 Gli arabi della Libia, che hanno  l'Arabia come  punto di referimento,   sbagliano nella loro arabizzazione della Libia, semplicemente perche` la storia della Libia è più vecchia dell'arrivo degli arabi  come ho menzionato sopra. Gli arabi  stessi hanno sempre visto la Libia solo come una terra di transito tra est e ovest del loro Impero mentre  gli attivisti berberi libici,  anche se hanno raggiunto una parte della verità sull`identita` libica,  sbagliano  a fare riferimenti con il  regno perduto di Numidia perche` di questo regno sono stati i padroni solamente i berberi della Numidia (Algeria).

 la  parola Berbero  era  data dai Romani che non potevano capire la lingua dei i libici , la quale il suo alfabeto che risale  quattro milleni  fa  come viene mostrato  oggi sui dipinti rupestri del Tadrart Akakus nel sud della Libia.
  Gli attivisti berberi dovrebbero meglio utilizzare la parola libici invece di  Berberi o Amazight(Uomini Liberi)  , questi due termini ,Berberi o Amazight potrebbero essere compresi dalle  comunità non berbere in libia  come un movimento politico per il futuro ossia un nuovo  regno della Numidia!
 Mi chiedo anche come mai  gli attivisti  libici(Berberi)accettano ancora oggi il  calendario Berbero che inizia con  Sheshnoq del 950 a.C. ? come se fosse  l'inizio della civiltà in Libia quando in realta` la civilta` libica risale a 15.000 anni fa come si puo` ammirare sulle pitture rupestri presenti nei siti libici. Inoltre  Sheshnoq era un  libico puro della tribu Meshwesh ,  parola egizia per indicare i Berberi della Libia, ma non aveva nessun legame  con la Battaglia di Tlemcen(Algeria) .... Come ritiene l'Accademia  berbera , con sede a Parigi.
Inoltre  devo criticare fortemente gli attivisti arabi e la loro ideologia,  sarebbe meglio se raccontassero i storie di Sheshnoq, Settimio Severo che erano libici, piuttosto che parlare delle guerre pre Islamiche come quella di Albasus  in Arabia!
Vorrei essere più severo nel criticare entrambi,  arabi e Berberi della Libia, i quali sono caduti in una trappola esterna prendendo le idee dalla cosiddetta Accademia Berbera a Parigi ed il pan Arabismo del Cairo. Il loro obiettivo e` renderci  senza cultura e  loro seguaci, mentre la nostra storia della Libia è superiore a loro  due! In poche parole credo fermamente che la Libia è solo  Libica d`identita` col suo odierno bellissimo mosaico di diverse culture, lingue e religioni, il che significa essere libico e`  essere fiero  della storia dei nostri antenati libici.

L'identité Libyenne perdue entre l'Arabie et la Numidie

Les conséquences de la révolution libyenne ont mis en lumière un caché mais une question importante de l'apparition de ce qu'on appelle le drapeau berbère et la dispute entre les Libyens sur les intentions futures berbère.
La Libye comme un pays d'Afrique du Nord situé entre les pays du Maghreb et l'Egypte a souffert de l'idéologie du Moyen-Orient de  pan arabisme  lancé par Nasser et d'autres dans les années 50, et imposées par Kadhafi lors de son année de règne, où la culture arabe a été considéré comme un or l'identité de  passée dore` et la clé d'un avenir brillant.

   alors quel est l'identité de la Libye?

Ahmed Fergiani écrit:

 Ce que je vois que les Arabes et les Berbères de la Libye ont perdu  la droite ligne en leur définition  de l'identité libyennes et il sont  oublier que les deux parties (Arabes, Berbères) lutte pour une culture que appartienne pas a la histoire  libyenne, la Libye n'est pas ni vraie arabe ni  Amaziegh (berbère), La Libye est simplement Libyenne qui a obtenu son nom des Grecs, qui ont appelé tous l` Afrique du Nord comme  Libye, sauf l'Egypte, Hérodote avait consacré son quatrième livre sur la Libye et de ses habitants, ceux Libyens ont laissé leurs traces sur  toute les civilisations  de la Méditerranée, Sheshnok  1 a été le première pharaon  non égyptien, Eratosthène de Cyrène (Shahhat) a été le premier à mesurer la circonférence de la terre, Septime Sévère fut le premier empereur Africain de Rome depuis deux décennies et chacun d'eux aurait admis fermement qu'il est libyen!

Les Libyens dans le cours de l'histoire avaient adopté leur vie religieuse, comme les païens d'abord, puis juifs, chrétiens (Saint Marks de Cyrène) et plus tard  musulmans.
Les activistes arabes en Libye avec l'Arabie come leur ligne de référence sont trompés dans leur arabisation de la Libye car l'histoire de la Libye  est plus ancienne que l'arrivée des Arabes comme je l'ai mentionné ci-dessus, les Arabes eux-mêmes ont considéré la Libye comme une terre de transit entre l'Est et l'Ouest de leur empire, bien que les activistes berbères Libyenne ont atteint une partie de la vérité, mais ils se trompent aussi bien si elles se réfèrent à la Numidie comme leur  royaume berbère perdu dans lequel juste les Numidiens (Algériens) ont été les maîtres.
 Le mot berbère  a été donné par les Romains, qui ne pouvaient pas comprendre la langue Libyenne aussi que  cette langue est déjà écrite  depuis quatre millénaires comme nous constatons aujourd'hui  sur les peintures rupestres de l'Akakus  dans le sud de la Libye.
 Les activistes Berbères Libyens  seraient mieux utilisés la mot Libyens  plutôt   que Amazight, que était utilise` pendant leur  persécutée` par les étranges, que devra jamais exister dan la Libye Libre ! Ce mot pour  les communautés non berbères (les Arabes et Arabisé) pourrait signifier  un certain mouvement politique o simplement une nouvelle Numidie !
 Je me demande les activistes berbère de la Libye  comment acceptent aujourd’hui ce  bizarre calendrier berbère   qui commence avec le  Sheshnoq 950 AC ? comme si c'était le début de la civilisation en Libye! Alors que nous pouvons admirer les civilisations libyennes perdues sur les peintures rupestres de la Libye qui remontent à 15.000 ans,  de l`autre cote` Sheshnoq même  était un Pur libyens de l'Mechouech, les Berbères Libyenne, et n'avait aucun lien avec la bataille de Tlemcen en Algérie.... Comme il a été mentionné par  le soi dits  l'académie berbère à Paris !
 Dans le même but, je critique fortement les activistes arabes Libyens  de leur idéologie, , sera mieux  raconter les histoires de Sheshnoq, Septime Sévère comme ils étaient Libyens, plutôt que la guerre pré  islamique   d`Albasus en Arabie !. Nous  de langue maternelle arabe en Libye devons être fiers de la terre qui a donné notre naissance et notre histoire.
je pourrais être plus sévère lorsque je dis que nous les Libyens  Arabes et berbères sommes tombés dans le piège de l` extérieur  celui de l` Académie Berbère du Paris et   le pan Arabisme du Caire, qui  son objectif de nous faire des gens sans culture et juste leurs adeptes, malgré`  que notre histoire libyen est supérieur à leur Histoire! En quelques mots je crois fermement que la Libye est juste  Libyenne, avec sa belle mosaïque de différentes cultures, langues et religions, où étant libyennes signifie accepter et croire l'histoire de nos ancêtres libyens.

The lost Libyan identity between Arabia and Numidia

The consequences of the Libyan revolution have brought to light a hidden but an important matter the appearance of the so called the Berber flag and the argument between the Libyans about the Berber future intentions.
Libya as a  north African country located between the Maghreb countries and Egypt have suffered the middle eastern ideology of the pan Arabism launched by Nasser and others in the 50 s, and imposed by Gheddafi during his years of rule, where the Arab culture was considered the golden  past identity and the key to the brilliant future.
 So what is the Libyan identity?

Ahmed Fergiani writes:

 What I see that Libyans, both Arabs and Berbers, have mislead the right path of  their definition of the Libyan identity, The forgotten fact that,  both Libyan parties Arabs and Berbers fight for a culture  that cheat the Libya History !
 Libya is neither   real Arab nor Berber, Libya is just Libya that obtained its name from the Greeks who called the whole north Africa as Libya except Egypt, Herodotus had dedicated his fourth book to Libya and its inhabitants ,Those Libyans who have left their traces on the whole Mediterranean civilizations, Sheshnok was the first non Egyptian Pharaoh, Eratosthenes of Cyrene(Shahhat) was the first to measure the circumference of the ground, Septimius Severus was the first African emperor to rule Rome for two decades and all of them would have admitted strongly that they are Libyan! The Libyans in the course of the history had adopted their religious life, as Pagans initially, then Jewish, Christians (saint Marks of Cyrene) and later as Muslims.
The Libyan Arabs with the Arabia as their reference line are mistaken in their Arabization of Libya , simple because the Libyan history is older than the arrival of the Arabs as I have mentioned above,the Arabs themselves have considered Libya as transit land between the eastern and the western part of their Empire.
 Although that the Libyan Berber Activists have reached a part of the truth of the Libyan identity ,but they are  still mistaken when they refer to Numidia as  their lost Berber Kingdom in which just the Numidians(Algerians) were the masters.
 The word Berber was given by the Romans who could not understand the Libyan Language, whose its alphabet dates back to four millenniums, the rock paintings of the Tadrart Akakus in southern Libya are the evidence of that hypothesis, the Berber activists would have better used the word Libyans rather than Amazight(the free men) cause this word for the non Berber speaking communities (Arabs) might mean future movement for a new Numidia!
 Personally I see no reason to use both words as the word Berbers referred to Barbary according to the foreigners, while Amazieght was used by Libyans to distinguish themselves from the foreigners during the oppression times which must not exist in the future free Libya!
Meshwesh, Berbers of Libya ,and had no connection with that battle of Tlemcen…. As it was mentioned by the so called Académie Berbère or the Berber academy based in Paris.
 For the same purpose,  I strongly criticize the Arab activists of Libya as well of their ideology, they would better be proud of  Sheshnoq,Septimius Severus as they were Libyans, rather than the  pre Islamic Albasus war in  Arabia, I might be more severe when I say that we Libyans  both the Arabs and Berbers have fallen in the external  trap of the Académie Berbère Du paris  and the pan Arabism of Cairo which its target to make us cultureless people and   followers ,while our Libyan history is superior to their history!
 In few words I strongly believe that Libya is just Libya, with its current beautiful mosaic of different cultures, languages and religions, where being Libyan means being proud of the history of our Libyan ancestors.


De Septime Sévère à Kadhafi .... Les dynasties et les dictatures historiques de la Libye.

En 631 avant JC, 200 Grecs   de l'île de Thera aujourd’hui  Santorin, ont fondé la ville de Cyrène dans l'Est de la Libye, mais avant que il a gagné le titre  de Athènes de l'Afrique, la ville a dû souffrir long quarante années sous le règne du premier fondateur Battus et autres cent cinquante années de la règne de  son dynastie  les Battiad, la dynastie qui statué Cyrénaïque depuis environ deux siècles avant  que a été créé la fameuse  constitution de Cyrène basée sur la démocratie athénienne . 

la démocratie a été interrompue par une autre dynastie régnante, celle d'Alexandre le Grand, les  Ptolémaïs d'Egypte qui régna la partie orientale de la Libye pour  autres250 années jusqu'à 74 avant JC quand les Romains ont la conquête`!

Le premier empereur Romain Auguste, a a été gouverné l'empire romain et la Libye  pour 41 ans à partir de 27AVC jusqu'au 14 JC où les villes de l'Ouest libyens ont été prospérées grâce au commerce maritime, mais une de ces villes, Leptis Magna a donné naissance à un autre dictateur et une autre dynastie  .celle de la  Septime Sévère.

Septime Sévère l'empereur libyen qui a régné pendant 18 ans de 193 JC jusqu'à 211 après JC , a été un vrai dictateur, là où normalement le temple principal au Forum Romain était dédié à JUPITER, JUIN ET MINERVA le culte triade de l'empire Romain, mais Sévère à son ville natale Leptis Magna construite nouveau Forum avec le temple de GENS SEPTIMIA  ... .. Un temple qui lui est dédié et son épouse, la Syrienne  Julia Dumna! Se considérant comme la divinité religieuse maximale et de donner à sa dynastie le feu vert à  gouverner jusqu'à 235 après JC!

 Bien que les Arabes n'ont jamais donné aucune importance à la Libye qui était pour eux une terre de transit  entre le Maghreb et l'Orient, où les capitales des dynasties régnantes ont été localisés,  ces dynasties comme les Omeyyades de Damas, puis les Abbassides de Bagdad, ont statué la Libye pour environ cinq siècles!
 Dans la période médiévale, la Libye  a été  aussi victime d'autres dictatures, les Normands de Sicile, les Fatimides du Caire, les Hafsides de Tunisie, l'espagnol et Chevaliers de Malte,

les Ottomans  a partir de 1555 et leurs sultans de Constantinople ont créé leurs des dynasties locales, comme la famille Karamanly ! les Karamanly  qui sont devenu les seigneurs sur la terre de la Libye, en imposant les taxes sur les habitants et les seigneurs de la mer grâce à la piraterie de 1711 jusqu'à 1835.

L'ère moderne n'a pas été plus brillant que le passé en termes de démocratie pour la terre libyenne, en 1911, néanmoins la campagne d'Italie pour occuper la Libye était d'apporter la civilisation à la quatrième rive de Rome, mais Rome et sa quatrième rive souffert  la dictature de Mussolini !

Après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la Libye a obtenu son indépendance en 1951, mais un autre dictateur a été établi le roi Idriss Sanussi où ses 18 ans de règne ont été au nom d'Allah!
En 1969, Allah était  UNA VECCHIA MODA o une Veille Mode pour, le dernière dictateur Mouammar Kadhafi, où ses 42 ans de règne, les mêmes années de Battus premier dictateur libyen de  Cyrène étaient au nom du peuple souverain  de la Libye!