
Il titolo che manca a Gheddafi

Noi in Libia non siamo riusciti a capire questo uomo, ci ha sembrato una  voce forte,un personaggio coraggioso che sfida tutto il mondo capitalista con i suoi discorsi alla Castro, ci ha sembrato Nerone ,abattendo un ex palazzo coloniale per costeruire un ristorante di lusso per i soui ospite, un Augusto con i soui 42 anni di leader maximus ,  o forse un` Annibale atraversando il deserto del Africa non sugli elefanti ma su Toyata full option! un Nasser con i soui tentativi del panarabismo, ma delle volte ci  ha sembrato anche stupido  o fingere di esserlo quando una volta nel 1995 rispondendo alla domanda di un giornalista Italiano:

ma Berlusconi e` il nome di un piatto tipico italiano?

 Ci ha sembrato un borderline con i suoi vestiti strani e le occhiali Cartier e perfino comico quando ritiene che Sheakspear e` un Arabo si chiamava sheik Zuberi , questo e` Gheddafi.
 Quindi Gheddafi e` finito  E` finita  anche la sua era  ,che e` stata dura sul popolo Libico il quale ha dovuto addattarsi all`umore del suo governatore Gheddafi che dalla sua parte aveva non solo  l`oro nero e ma anche un coure duro.
un coure duro lo hamostrato in governare un popolo di meno di sei milioni di abitanti vivono su una terra cosi vasta e cosi ricca .

pero` sembra la sua ricchezzae` stata una maledzione per il popolo Libico che anzi di godere la sua ricchezza nella costruzione di: scoule,giardini,stadi,librerie ed ospedali, il suo leader ha preferito altri termini:
Bunker,Tunnel,Carceri,Caserme,Bastioni,Apparechi di intercettazione,Posti di blocco,Ufficci di sicurezza,Servizio militare, ma ammettiamocela che ci ha dato l`onore ad ammirare le Scarpe ed i  soui Vestiti strani !
Gheddafi poteva tranquillamente vivere in santa pace con su popolo se fosse un pochino piu intelligente ma lui era intelligente ad essere un fallitore, un looser!
 tutto e` fallito con Gheddafi, in Libia tutto e` fallito l`istruzione, la sanita`, la politica,l`agricoltura,l`arte,la litteratura, la sicurezz.

Gheddafi e` fallito  anche di fare il militare quando tutte le sue guerre contro l`egitto,la Ciad,l`Uganda, l`occidente sono perse! perfino  in questa ultima guerra i soui soldati non sono riusciti neanche ad abattere un aereo della coalisione!

 Gheddafi e` fallito come un presidente  quando lo era per otto anni dal 1969 al 1977  in cui c`erano tanti colpi di stato,forche e manifestazioni studentesche .

 Gheddafi e` fallito come un politico o guida della revoluzione che il suo sistema politico la Giamhiria non e` mai stato digerito da nessuno.

 Gheddafi E` fallito come un pensatore che  il suo libro verde ci ha fatto  venire solo  il mal di testa. Gheddafi  E` fallito perfino come un padre che i soui figli hanno avuto una brutta reputazione nel mondo intero.

  E` fallito anche  come un dittatore che Nonostante  quel  arsenale di arme da tutto i mercati del mondo a sua disposizione , non e` riuscito ad opprimere il suo popolo che si rivoltato contro di lui il 17 febraio scorso.

Gheddafi e` fallito come un architetto trovando rifuggio non nelle sue ville tendate piene di Amazzone  ma in un tombino d`acqua pieno di sorci mal costeruito dai suoi amici Cinesi.

 Gheddafi e` fallito in tutto, non e` riuscito a passare nella storia come lui ha sempre voluto.  Con tutti quelle medaglie e distintivi attaccate sulle divise strane di Gheddafi e con tutti i titoli infiniti come:
Fratello leadrer,pensatore,Rivoluzionario, guida della rivoluzione,Panarabo,Panafricano, il profeta del deserto,il re dei rei, l`Imam dei Mussulmani,il salvatore degli Ebrei e dei Palestinesi .
con tutto quel dizionario dei vocabulari esclusivi a Gheddafi, gli  era mancato il titolo del: dittatore piu stupido dell umanita`.


الهوية الليبية الضائعة بين العروبة و نوميديا

 فى أعقاب الثورة الليبية  طفت على الضوء  مسألة خفية للكثير من ابناء ليبيا ولكنها مسألة مهمة وهى مسألة ظهور العلم الأمازيغي مما جعل  الليبيون  يتهامسون حول  الهوية الأمازيغية وكذلك امكانية وجود نوايا سياسية مستقبلية امازيغية .
ليبيا كدولة تقع فى شمال افريقيا بين بلدان المغرب ومصر عانت من الفكر الشرقي العروبى الذى أطلقه عبد الناصر وغيره في   خمسينيات القرن المنصرم ، و فرضه القذافى خلال السنوات التي قضاها في الحكم ، والذى كان يعتبر  أن الثقافة العربية  هى الهوية الوحيدة  فى ليبيا ,علامة الماضي الذهبي و كذلك المفتاح السحرى  لمستقبل باهر.

 فما هي الهوية الليبية أذا؟

 اليوم وللأسف   ظل
كثيرا من الليبيين الذين يطلقون على انفسهم عرب وأمازيغ الطريق الصحيح  فى التعريف بالهوية الليبية وغاص كلا من الطرفين  فى جدال عميق  وحربا خفية من أجل انتصار  ثقافة  احدهما والتى قد  لاتمثل التاريخ الليبيى بصورته الصحيحة!
 فليبيا لم تكن  لا عربية ولا بربرية ،  بل مجرد ليبية, حصلت على اسمها من  قدماء المصريين الذين اطلقوا أسم الليبو على قبائل غرب الدلتا وكذلك الأغربق اليونانيين الذين بدورهم اسموا كامل الشمال   ا لأفريقي ليبيا  باستثناء مصر ،  أبو التاريخ هيرودوت فى  كتابه الرابع يتحدث فقط عن ليبيا و عن سكانها الذين سكنوا من السلوم شرقا حتى وادى كعام غربا وجرمة جنوبا ، أولئك الليبيين الذين تركوا آثارهم وبصماتهم على مختلف حضارات البحر الأبيض المتوسط , ف
شيشنق الليبى من قبائل المشواش  كان أول فرعون غير مصرى،و إراتوستينس الشحاتى (شحات برقة) كان أول  من قام بقياس محيط الأرض ، وسيبتيميوس سيفيروس المولود فى لبدة  كان اول امبراطورا لروما , والقديس مرقس او ماركوس المولود قرب سوسة الليبية  هو كاتب احد الأناجيل الأربعة وعلى خطاه تأسست الكنيسة القبطية وجميعهم كان ينتمى الى الأرض الليبية ! 

 أطلقت كلمة البربر على يد الرومان الذين لم يتمكنوا من فهم اللغة الليبية القديمة لغة الشمال الأفريقى كله بأستثناء مصر ، والتي تعود أبجديتها المسماة بالتيفيناغ إلى أربعة آلاف سنة مضت كما نراها اليوم على نقوشات  جبال الأكاكوس في جنوب  ليبيا ، اما كلمة الأمازيغية فقد اطلقها الليبين على انفسهم وتعنى الرجال الأحرار زمن الحكم الرومانى.
 على مدى حقب التاريخ تغيرت معتقدات  الليبيين الدينية  ، فهم وثنيون في البداية يعبدون التانيت الليبية ، ثم يهودا  ومسيحيين الى ان اعتنقوا الأسلام فى القرن السابع الميلادى. فنرى فى ليبيا اليوم اثارا لتلك الديانات فى غرب وشرق وجنوب ليبيا.

على احدى ضفتى الصراع الثقافى القائم  اليوم فى ليبيا, يحاول  بعض الليبين دعاة  عروبية ليبيا فرض الثقافة العربية  فى ليبيا  وكأنها الهوية الحقيقية الوحيدة لليبيا وهم فى ذلك مخطؤن  لأن تاريخ ليبيا وثقافتها  أقدم  الألاف السنين من وصول العرب اليها  كما ذكرت أعلاه ، بل وينسى هؤلاء بأن العرب انفسهم اعتبروا  ليبيا فقط  أرض عبور بين  الجزء الشرقى و الغربي من امبراطورياتهم كالأموية والعباسية. اما عرب اليوم فيروا أن ليبيا هى مجرد صندوق من الرمال يسكنه بعض البدو المستعربون .

على الجانب الأخر من هذا الصراع الثقافى والذى يقوده بعضا من النشطاء الأمازيغ والذين وان وصلوا الى جزاء من الحقيقة فى مايتعلق بالهوية الليبية ، الا أنهم يقعون فى خطئا تاريخيا لايغفر  عندما يربطون تاريخنا الليبى بمملكة نوميديا  ,تلك​​ المملكة الأمازيغية الجزائرية التى قامت قبيل هزيمة قرطاج على يد الرومان وضمت الجزائر وبعضا من اجزاء تونس الجنوبية وغرب ليبيا, ان فى ذلك اجحافا فى حق التاريخ الليبى القائم الاف السنين قبل  قيام ميسينيسا الجزائرى بتأسيس مملكته ! 
النشطاء الليبين ممن يسمون خطئا بالجبالية او الأمازيغ  وقعوا فى خطئا تاريخيا جما فى حق تاريخ  ليبيا بأعتمادهم مايسمى بتقويم شيشنق الذى تروج له الأكاديمية البربرية ومقرها باريس والتى تمارس قرصنة تاريخية بمحاولة ربط شيشنق بمعركة تلمسان,ولكن  لاوجود للجزائر فى حياة شيشنق  الذى حكم مصر  فى عام 950 ق.م  واحتل فلسطين ولبنان  وهو مؤسس الأسرة  الفرعونية الثانية والعشرون. فلاايمكن اذا ان نقبل ان تاريخنا يعود فقط الى عصر شيشنق فى الألف الأول قبل الميلاد متناسيين بذلك ألاف السنين التى مضت على وجود التاريخ فى ليبيا.

 و للغرض نفسه ،  حرى بالعروبيون في ليبيا ان يفخروا بالتاريخ  الليبى الذى صنعه ليبيون مثل شيشنق، وسيبتيموس سيفيروس وغيرهم  ، بدلا من الفخر بثقافة عروة بن الورد و حرب البسوس   فتلك هى ثقافة تنتمى الى الجزيرة العربية  فى عصرها الجاهلى . ارى اننا نحن  الليبيين  ممن نسمى انفسنا خطئا عربا وأمازيغ  قد ربطنا تاريخنا بايديولوجيات صنعتها قوى خارجية مثل  الأكاديمية البربرية فى باريس و كذلك  ابواق العروبة في القاهرة والشرق , واقعين بذلك فى فخا  يجعلنا  فقط شعبا تابعا ثقافيا اما لطرف او لأخر ، في حين أن تاريخنا الليبى كان يتسيد على كلاهما! حرى بنا جميعا  فى ليبيا اليوم ان ننسى تلك التسميات من عرب وامازيغ  والتى  تجعلنا فرقا تتشتت انتمئاتها شرقا وغربا و علينا أن ندرك جميعا اننا  فقط ليبيون.



I was born in the countryside of Tripolitania between Tripoli city and the city of Msellata. Since i was a child my head is been full of stories and tales about the Jews (in Arabic Ihud) told to me by my  grandfather and grandmother  who  was born in 1913 and was a true testimony of the life in Libya during the Italian  period , World War II , postwar period,  King Idress and Gaddafi.

I was a young kid when the mass media of Gaddafi had nothing else to transmit but about the Zionism and the Jewish state,. But my the grandmother kept telling us that the Jews who were in Libya were not like the image that was shown by Gheddafi medias,
 they were  ordinary people who spoke Libyan  Arabic with a different accent ,dressed like the other Libyans, slaughtered the animals cause they eat Halal (Kosher)  as we do, circumcised their newborn males just like us.
 The only difference was that it was impossible for them to work on Saturday, as they remained (Msabteen) means practicing the Shabbat!
She told us stories about the markets of Msellata and Alkhoms (Leptis Magna)   and how they were full of clothes, jewelry, perfumes for women and various tools such as knives, spoons and pots.. Etc.
 In the years of misery and poverty we managed to survive thanks to the products of Jews who shared the hard life with us.... my grandmother said.
 While my grandfather told us stories about Harat lihud, the Jewish quarter of Tripoli and how the Jews were always the best traders to deal with.
 So Despite the politics and the bombardments of Gheddafi TV`s propaganda, I was brought up enriched with the Libyan culture and the heritage that parts of it were driven from the Jews of Libya.
As today in Libya we keep calling for the freedom so I decided to unveil the Jewish heritage in today`s Libya, as will unveil other facts about the culture and the history of the Berber, Turkish and Libyan Greeks (Greetliah).


Walking through the archaeological site of Cyrene, which is located about 200 km east of Bengasi,  and at the Baths of Trajan, a marble slap with this Latin inscription says:


  The Emperor Hadrian restored these baths (BALINEUM) after their destruction during the time of the Emperor Trajan by the Jewish revolt (RIOTS JUDAICA).
 This was in 117 in which the Libyan Jews of Cyrene revolted against the Romans.

 This marble slap along with  other written testimony in the Jewish Torah, show that   the western Libya  known historically as Tripolitania was   inhabited by Jews about one  millennium B.C ,when the Phoenician sailors founded the Tripolis , the three cities of  Leptis Magna, Sabratha and Oea today`s Tripoli.
While the eastern Libya known, as Jews inhabited Cyrenaica at least in the third century BC, when the Ptolomies, the successors of Alexander the Great took over the rule of Egypt and Cyrenaica.
 the Libyan Jewish  community was enlarged after  the expulsion of the Arabs and Jews from Andalusia in Spain with the fall of Granada in 1492( la reconquista española),   the arrival of the Andalusian Jews immigrants   had created an active Jews community  especially in the political and commercial life of Libya during the Ottoman, Italian and the independent Libyan kingdom era,When the Libyan Jews had to leave Libya in 1967 for a number of reasons, mainly political.


 the majority of the Libyan Jews were in Tripoli  who,  had lived in their  main quarter  called in Libyan Arabic as (Hart Lihud) which is located in the north west of Tripoli`s old city (Medina) just close to the New Gate (Bab il Giadid)  which gives access to  those narrow lanes known in  Libyan Arabic as (Znaghi),where The Jewish monuments are located Just Not far from the mentioned gate like the Synagogue or the Major Temple (Slat Ilkbira) and the Jewish school of Dar Assrusi.

 The Tripoli Jews or ( Ihud Trabelsia) carried out their commercial activities  and daily life in the various Souks of the  Medina that extend from the crossroad of the four  roman column known in Libyan Arabic as( Arba Arsat) up to  Marshal market(souk Almushir)  which is close to the Martyrs Square(ex piazza Italia) crossing the  southeastern part of the Medina with its various Souks like Souk  Ittruk (The Turks market), Souk Ghisdara (copper smith market) till the area of ​​Bab Alhurria in the southwestern part of the Medina.

With the arrival of the Italians in 1911, the city was widely expanded therefore many wealthy Jews families were moved to  new Italian quarter, mostly they lived in the area of Bel Khir  today is located behind  Omar Mokhtar street (ex Corso Sicilia).
 The Jews also lived in Janzur 20 km west of   Tripoli and in Amros! Two oasis that Until 50 years ago, they were separated from Tripoli but today Amros  is part of   souk Algiuma, the   famous anti Gheddafi district during the recent revolt ,while Zanzur became sort of  Tripoli West End.

  The Libyan Jewish community was scattered  as wellin different towns in Tripolitania like Misurata 200km east of Tripoli, Alkhoms  with its surviving Hara just120 km east of Tripoli, Msellata located at 90 km east of Tripoli ,Zliten about 160 km east of Tripoli , Zawia 45 km  west of Tripoli, also at the Berber towns of  Zuara, Jado, Yfrin, Tigrinna  and Gharian.
While in Cyrenaica, the Libyan Jews were located in Benghazi, Derna and other small towns on the green mountain.


 The answer for that classic question in Libya is very helpful to understand that the Libyan kitchen today is based on the Jews heritage, the food that once was prepared by the Libyan Jews like:

1 - Couscous a dish served with meat, chicken or fish seasoned with spices and vegetables like onions, potatoes and zucchini.

2 - Bazeen (unfortunately disappearing in Libya) a dish that is made from dough of flour or milled barley accompanied with spicy sauce of potatoes, meat or eggs.

3 - Tbaikh (kh is pronounced like the J in Spanish) the plural of tbiikha, a spicy sauce of potatoes or peas or beans.

4 –Iggia or Oggia, cooked eggs in a saucepan with a spicy sauce.

5 – Imbakibka or Libyan Pasta cooked with its meat and vegetables spicy sauce cooked all together in the same pot.

6 - Mafrum a minced meat that might be served as a sauce for other meal like pasta but Today, many Libyans eat it as a sandwich.

7 - Isfinz (Hanukah sweet) tacked flour is put into hot oil in the form of round bread and is eaten either alone or with eggs on the top of it.

8 - Hraimi, very spicy fish soup that still strongly exist in the coastal Libya cities,
 However, its name is very funny. As it means not Halal and was given by the Bedouins who preferred to eat meat rather than fish as they lived far away from the coast t, in their surprise to see the Libyan Jews eating that non-slaughtered fish (Hraimy) as they ignore the religious fact that fish cannot be slaughtered.


Thanks to YouTube I come to know that there is a  Libyan Jewish singer called  Shlomit  or Salma Buhnik sings in Libyan dialect, but when  I discovered her songs  by accident, I laughed because they are just the songs of the wedding celebrations in Libya ...  the songs  where in Tripoli are called  Zimzamat  which means the women who sing for the wedding parties.
the fact is, In Libya till the 50s and 60s ,the Muslim Libyans thought that the song are illegal in the Islamic religion, for such reason, many  male singers have had to use an artistic names to hide their  real identity when the Libyan Radio was launched in 50s!
 Abdussalam Algiazeeri for example, was one of them and he sang in the Libyan Radio as Salam Kadri! his father finds out the truth just three years after ,when he saw his picture in a  a local
Masoud Daragi is the real name of the famous Benghazi singer Ibrahim Fahmi..... and so on.
For such social problem, Libyans of Islamic faith had to call the Jewish women to sing in their wedding parties they were singing simple songs accompanied by drums tones (Darbuca) then those songs were taken by the Arab women, now such music is considered an essential part of the Libyan Folk Music.
The Libyan Jewish singer Buhnik became famous with these kind of songs (ya lummima, il ada il ada ya trabilsia and ya lil ya ain) songs that are still alive in Libya of today!


In Libya today, there are many families of Jewish origin, and many others that have the same surnames of the Libyan Jews such as:

           6-Giuili JWEELY
                       12-CAHLON. CAHLOL.


  Where have you been?
In Italy, in Rome ...
well you have you eaten in Alfonso`s restaurant?
Oh, how I` d love to eat a Hraimi dish from him!.
This was a dialogue between me and a man of a certain age from Tripoli, asking me if I had eaten in a restaurant of a famous Jew among the Libyans called Alfonso in Rome.
   But Although i had  met many Jews in Libya as a tourist marketer and guide like the famous American cultural travel  agent Sorkin Jerry , the Famous  French journalist of la Marianne Guy Sitbon, and  i helped the  Australian journalist  Diaa Hadid to write stories about the Jews monuments in the old town of Tripoli during the last revolt when i had to work as a translator just for survival, But my first contact with the Libyan  Jews  was about three years ago as I was in Rome  for vacation coming  from the rainy Glasgow when I met  by chance Bazooka, the funny smart man who still maintains his strong Libyan personality,
Through Bazooka I met also the great Hamos Guetta, who welcomed me warmly and shared a great love to the land on which both we were born.

 in Rome as well  I was shocked by that black and white  picture of Alahly team inside the shop of  David Hadad, who was  a football player and fan of  Alahli  team  which is still the most popular and famous in Libya and known as  Fariik lihud (Team of the Jews).
 My frequent little talks and discussions with Bazooka and Hamos have brought me to the fact that so many of these fine shops in downtown of Rome belong to the Libyan Jews!

Steve Jobs and Arab Revolutions

In 1984 when the legendary Steve Jobs of Syrian father (Abdulfatah Jindal) launched
His Apple Macintosh computers, we Libyans were still discussing the theories of Green book of Gheddafi if the man is a male and the woman is a female! Having a computer was already an unforgivable crime!

 in 1996, when Jobs was back to  Mackintosh full of future ideas, we  Libyans were sailing by ferry to Malta with a limited dreams of just buying jars of Nutella chocolate and  Italian cookies, swearing those imperialists  who have imposed  air sanctions on our country.

in 1996 as well me personally was doing the compulsory military service and there was just a computer at the whole military camp which was operated by just one person!  Once that computer malfunctioned
Suddenly, the only technical explained to the commander that a Virus had attacked the computer and the officer angrily shouted to him:
 Do not keep the room windows open next time!
That commander thought of an influenza virus rather than malicious software can disturb the functions of the computer.

   Fifteen years after the first appearance of that famous television commercial spot of Jobs in 1984 showing his extraterrestrial computer, we Libyans have managed to possess a computer without a letter of authorization by the secret agents of Colonel Gheddafi.

Since then, the real information revolution has begun in Libya with new terms to the Libyan society like Laptops, CD, Internet cafe, Web Site, Email, Blogs, Mp3... Terms that would change the face of our country just twelve years later!

In 2006, when Jobs invented the famous Mac Book Pro, it seems that someone in Libya was still busy and surprised with his new iPod of Mr. Jobs, but was preparing his son for the future rule of our country, but it was too late for Gheddafis with their out of date Ms Dos computers!

None of them had realized that this way of thinking was already archived by people like Steve Jobs and at that time, tens of political websites and blogs created by the Libyans especially those in exile have managed to get into Libya itself and gained popularity among Libyans by the use of many software and information technology.

in 2010, when Jobs unveiled his I pad  for reading books and  newspapers, our local horrible paper printed  newspapers were fighting  to get  10 000 copies per day throughout  the whole Libya.
 However, time has changed and it is too late for those prehistoric newspapers that even their own publishers did not ever read them!

 in 2011 thanks to the inventions of Mr. Jobs we have done with that little box called a computer, not just us Libyans  but as well  many other Arabs  have woke up and exposed their Foolish desire to the freedom through ,products and software like: Mac, Tweeter, Pal Talk and face book, these products and software have shown the  fact that the Arabs are really Hungry and poor in their countries.

Although the Arab revolution was initiated by the Tunisian Mohamed Buaazizy but in reality,  it was widespread in the capital of Tunisia thanks to the voice of young Tunisians with their Face book pages,  I phones and I pads, calling for a total rebellion.
 The Mac of Ben Ali was not been updated enough to deal with such phenomenon and fled to Saudi!

   The figure of Wael Gunaim in Egypt, the young man who used only computer and IT for his appeal to Egyptians to gather in Tahrir Square, in just bit more than two weeks, Mubarak was overthrown.

 The Young Libyans were up to date with the steps of the cyber space Libyan opposition, while the Libyan authorities were fighting to differ a Laptop from a face book!
This last was the venue for a demonstration launched on the page of the young lawyer Fathi Tarbal from Benghazi.
 The visionary Steve Jobs of Syrian roots, gave a positive shock as well for the Syrians who have raised their voice against their Lyon!

 Through his inventions and his free-thinking, the young Arabs have stopped the figure of the god on earth and strongly shouted..... think different.