
Couscous Republic

Couscous is North African dish of Berber- Jewish origins where it was spread in some southern European towns like San vito lo capo in Sicily where its annual international festival is held!
Libyan as a north African country has its typical Couscous dish which is made of number of cooked vegetables like Potatoes, onions, pumpkins and aubergine! All those vegetables are mixed with meat normally lamb or even chicken and spices. However, it takes longer time to prepare it as it is delicate and of mixed vegetables.
After the outbreak of the Libyan youth revolution on 17th of February, Libyans had no time to eat Couscous being surprised of that huge number of former regime guards who have declared their defection and shown their exaggerated political ambitions.

 Although I have criticized strongly some western journalists and writers as they have mentioned a possibility of Tribal war or even future split of the country but I have to share their fear but through another conflict, it is a Couscous conflict.

 While there are people fighting in the front and others have already lost their relatives in a dirty war, the former regime guards are fighting strongly to gain  or to hold their political positions by their frequent  appearance on some televisions, telling false stories of their long struggle against Gheddafi regime.
  I guess that was a virtual struggle and The fact is none of them has never struggled against anybody even against mosquitoes , especially those who spent years representing the former Gheddafi regime abroad and never seen a bullet of the Libyan armed struggle
 like   some Libyan embassies staff, foreign  ministry staff, or those who were running the regime financial investments abroad and living a real Dolce Vita in Europe .
  They are just chameleons! Who have changed the flag color in order to steal and to cheat the Libyan revolution and the sacrifices of Libyan youth those who created and lived the real armed revolution. 
Rather than that category, the former opposition group itself is divided between liberals and Islamists lead by a certain Ali Assalaby! Mr Assalaby has declared his political ambitions and his opposition to the government of Mr Jebril the liberal politician who enjoys of wide support by Libyans and the western countries.

on the other hand,the people who fought with their weapons on the fronts are insisting for political representation, Mr Hakim Belhaj has nominated himself as head of Tripoli military council! Mr osama Assalaby of Misurata announced that he got seven thousand fighters and two hundred tanks ready to fight for reliable political award of their freedom struggle, Rather than the Libyan elite endless discussion about the  future constitution, either a new constitution or adopted version of the former kingdom constitution or even  a different color of the green book !

The T.N.C of Mr abduljalil was forced to announce twenty portfolios, instead of the initial number of thirty five  of the interim government,  which is a survival plan  for the county`s critical situation.
Libya today is facing very delicate situation and the solution is through the Couscous,   a political couscous seasoned with mix of different categories, vegetables and spices, Liberals and Islamist with the rest of the above-mentioned semi political ideologies and groups.


  1. Dear visitor welcome to my page but i will be very glad to read your comments.

  2. Areej M. Abughrara1 October 2011 at 04:39

    It is a nice idea, but I'm afraid we do not have all the required time to prepare this couscous, I wish if I'm wrong, and way thank you.
